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Benign Prostate Hyperplasia ( BPH)

  • March 5, 2023


Benign prostatic hyperplasia also commonly termed as “prostate problem”  in male adults is very and physiological problem. Prostate is organ situated around  the proximal part of the male urethra. It is noticed that prostate is enlarged with advancing age of males and these problems become more prominent after the age of 45 to 50 years. The symptoms of prostatic enlargement are often described as Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) symptoms. 

Common symptoms of BPH

  1. Hesitancy in  urination ( passing urine) 
  2. Frequency and  repeated urge for urination
  3. Repeatedly getting up in night for urination 
  4. Poor stream of urination 
  5. Repeated  urinary infections 
  6. Blood while passing urine 
  7. Occurrence of bladder stones and polyps due to chronic Bladder neck obstruction 

It’s extremely important that patients don’t Indore the symptoms and should visit there clinician/ surgeon for examination. Surgeons using perform Digital rectal examination ( DRE) to assess the size of the prostate. 

Investigations and work up for BPH 

  1. Routine blood investigations with urine analysis 
  2. Serum prostatic specific antigen (PSA) to screen prostatic cancer 
  3. Ultrasonography of bladder and prostatic to asses the size of prostate and volume of urine left after urination 
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in cases of high suspicion of prostate cancers

The decision for medical or surgical management depends upon the size of the prostate and symptoms of the patients. Medical management is preferred only in early cases of BPH. But eventually it is observed that medical management provides temporary relief and most of the patients will end up in surgery. 

Surgery remains the mainstay of the management where urologist use endoscopic surgeries like TURP( Trans urethral resection of Prostate) using energy devices and lasers for better results. With extensive use of endoscopic and laser techniques in urology, it has  reduced the conventional open surgery in urology. The post operative care is minimal and patients find immediate relief of symptoms after surgery. The hospital stay is usually 1-2 days and patient can resume normal diet activities form next day. 

To consult with best urologist surgeons team at SHL Surgeons House Limited available at different global locations, please click the link for more details.

2020-05-21 00:10:02
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