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Introduction  Benign prostatic hyperplasia also commonly termed as “prostate problem”  in male adults is very and physiological problem. Prostate is organ situated around  the proximal part of the male...


Background  Breast cancers remains the common cancers in the world and most common cancer affecting the woman around the world. Breast cancer is almost ranked first in counties like India , Austral...

Lung cancers

Background  Lung cancers are one of the most common cancers affecting the male population and ranks most common cancer in Asian and Central European countries. Smoking remains to the major causative...


Background  Uterine prolapse occurs when uterus slips from its normal position. The uterus is a muscular organ that’s is held in its place by pelvic muscles and ligament. If the m...


Background  Biliary cysts commonly known as choledochol cysts are commonly seen in Asian population. Cyst is abnormal thinning of the wall of the common bile duct which lead to enlargement of the bi...


Gall bladder cancer - All you need to know ? Gallbladder is pear shaped organ located at inferior margin of the liver. It usually acts as small reservoir of storage of bile which is produced by liver. The most common problem associated with gallbladder is gallbladder stones...


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COVID19: Is Health care system sitting on Time Bomb?

The outbreak of COVID-19 brings me many questions to my mind about the existing healthcare structure , health of the society and it’s individuals. This massive outbreak of viral epidemic has challenged the existing governments, healthcare professionals, understanding o...

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