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Sudden cardiac arrest is the unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness. The condition for the most part results from an electrical unsettling influence in your heart that disturbs its siphoning activity, halting blood stream to your body. Sudden cardi...


Hormonal imbalances will result in undesirable symptoms from weakness or weight increase to bothersome skin or low state of mind. Hormones are synthetic chemicals created by organs in the endocrine system and discharged into the circulatory system. An imbalance happens wh...


Short bowel syndrome (SBS) also known as short gut syndrome, is a malabsorption problem in which the body becomes unable to absorb sufficient nutrients & fluids. This happens due to improper working of the small intestine. This problem is commonly seen in people whos...


Overview: Diverticulosis is a condition that arises when small pockets, known as diverticula formed in the lining of the digestive track. It occurs when the weak spots of the intestine walls faces the pr...


Background  Anal fistula is usually described as tunnel  (tract), which connects an infected gland (abscess) inside the anus to an opening on the skin. The skin glands present...


Background  Nipple discharge refers to any fluid that seeps out of the nipple of the breast. Nipple discharge during pregnancy or breastfeeding is normal however it happens less commonly in women wh...


This condition refers to an issue with a rubbery circle between the spinal bones. This condition happens when the soft centre of the  spinal disc pushes through a crack in the tougher exterior cracking. Cau...


 A spinal cord injury is defined as any harm to any piece of the spinal cord or nerves at the end of spinal cord (cauda equina)  which  causes motor or sensory changes in quality of sensation and other body functions beneath the site of injury....

Obesity and metabolic surgery

Overview: What is obesity  Obesity is a state of being excessively fat. This term is exclusively associated with a person who has crossed the phase of overweight and has gained even grossly more fat...


Sinusitis is the infection of sinuses located adjacent nasal cavity in maxillary area and frontal bone of skull. The internal tissue lining the sinuses become swollen or inflamed as result of infection. The germs grow and cause an infection when the sinuses become blocke...

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