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Background  An undescended testis is a condition which arises when the testis hasn’t moved into the scrotum (a bag behind the penis) during the time of foetal development. Medically, this conditio...


Background  Abscess is collection of pus mixed with fluid and inflammatory debris in body or any tissue.  When this abscess occurs in liver parenchyma  they are termed as liver abscess. Li...


Background  Rectal and colon cancers are  rated among the top five cancers in incidence around the world with variable incidences in various nations. The incidence is very high in western count...


Background  Stomach is the major digestive organ of the body where the food we eat is churned, digested and stored for small period of time in our stomach. Stomach cancer arises from the internal li...


Gall bladder is pear shaped organ located at inferior margin of the liver. It usually acts as small reservoir of storage of bile which is produced by liver. The most common problem associated with gallbladder is gallbladder stones which is very common surgical disease ac...


Background  Oesophageal cancers also know as cancers of food pipe are considered to one of the dreaded cancers after pancreatic cancers. The rate of the cancer is variable across different countries...


Background  Rectal prolapse is a condition where the lower part of the rectum comes out of the anal canal during straining on defecation. This condition can affect young individuals but more commonl...


Background  Hernias are abnormal profusion of the internal contents of abdominal ( visceral cavity)  from the muscular defect in the body. There are various types of hernias which are divided b...


Background  Gallbladder polyps or polypoidal lesion of the gallbladder is disease which primarily affects your gallbladder with tiny lesions occasions from the inner lining of the gallbladder. These...

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