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Background  Liver Resection surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the liver either by conventional open surgery or minimal access surgery also called as laparoscopic surgery . The laparos...


Background  Kidney Resection surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the liver either by conventional open surgery or minimal access surgery also called as laparoscopic surgery . The laparo...


Background  Hernias are abnormal profusion of the internal contents of abdominal ( visceral cavity)  from the muscular defect in the body. Hernia surgery as the name suggests i...


Background  Esophageal Resection surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the colon either by conventional open surgery or minimal access surgery also called as laparoscopic surgery . The la...


Background  Common bile duct ( CBD) surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the common bile duct either by conventional open surgery or minimal access surgery also called as laparoscopic su...


Background  Colon Resection surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the colon either by conventional open surgery or minimal access surgery also called as laparoscopic surgery . The laparos...


Background  Breast surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the thorax by placing the standardised instruments of the breast diseases. Since Breast lumps are most common ailments seen in rep...


Background  Bariatric ( obesity) surgery involves surgery of the patients suffering from obesity and metabolic disorders. This surgery has evolved with advancements in laparoscopic Surgery sure to i...


Background  Appendix removal surgery as the name suggests involves surgery of the  appendix either by conventional open surgery or minimal access surgery also called as laparoscopic surgery . A...


Background Hernias are abnormal profusion of the internal contents of abdominal ( visceral cavity)  from the muscular defect in the body. There are various types of hernias which are divided basical...

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