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Knee Replacement Surgery- Solution to bad knees

  • March 5, 2023

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When a damaged knee impacts your daily activities such as difficulty in walking, significant pain in knees, limping during walking, difficulty in getting out of a chair, or climbing stairs then you may have to consider knee replacement surgery after consulting ur clinician/ surgeon.

In a Knee replacement, your damaged knee is replaced with an artificial one. The patients usually try pain medication, injection, physiotherapy, home remedies but they provide temporary relief, and solution remains surgery for damaged knee joints.

Who Might Need a Knee Replacement?

Knee Surgery is suitable for patients who experience

  • Moderate but continuous pain while sleeping or resting.
  • Knee deformity with a noticeable arch on inside or outside of the knee.
  • Knee inflammation or swelling which does not go even after taking medication.
  • Severe knee pain or stiffness while carrying out daily activities like walking, stand up from a sitting position, getting in and out of cars.
  • Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Post-traumatic arthritis, and other inflammatory arthritis.

Types of Knee Replacement Surgery

  • Total Knee Replacement

This surgery involves the replacement of both sides of the knee joint. The surgery will last for 2-3 hours. Here the individual will have less pain and better mobility.

  • Partial Knee Replacement

This surgery replaces only one side of the knee joint. The incision is smaller but it does not last as long as a total replacement. It is suitable for people with damage to only one part of the knee.

Knee Replacement Surgery Procedure

  • Most of the surgery is performed under the combination of general anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, and spinal anesthesia. Also, one dose of antibiotics is given to prevent infection.
  • The diseased cartilage and bone are removed from the knee joint. The surfaces are then replaced with a metal implant. The backside of the knee cap is normally replaced with a piece of special plastic.
  • This procedure gives both the bones of your knee joint smooth surfaces again so that they can bend and flex more freely and painlessly.

Recovery After Surgery

  • Post-surgery the patient has to be in the hospital for 2-3 days. The doctor will monitor complications if any and will prescribe pain medication.
  • The physical therapist will start the following therapy.

Weight-bearing therapy including standing and walking.

Various other therapies to help you adapt to your new knee.

  • You may need to use a cane or walker for a short period of time after your surgery. 
  • Most of your recovery will happen at home. You have to continue with exercises and therapies advised by your doctor.
  • Everyone recovers differently. It takes 6-8 weeks to recover from the surgery.

Knee Replacement surgery is a very commonly performed operation. After recovery, many people are able to do their daily activities smoothly. While there is an element of risk involved with every surgery, this procedure is considered safe and helps in the reduction of pain and greater mobility.

The surgery does help you to improve your quality of life. It is also said that earlier the damaged knees are replaced better are the results after surgery

[/cmsmasters_text][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row]2020-04-02 23:29:10

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