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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  • March 5, 2023


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection or bacterial illness of a female reproductive system. Apart from many different types of bacterias, PID is usually caused by sexually transmitted infections such as Chlamydia & gonorrhoea. Since pelvis consists of woman’s lower abdomen, the organs that may come in contact to such bacterias includes uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and ovaries. However, the bacterias firstly enters through the vagina and gradually attack these organs.An untreated PID condition can affect a woman badly including their ability to have a baby. 

Signs & Symptoms:

The symptoms of PID are many and most of these symptoms can be caused by other conditions too, so it is really important to get yourself diagnosed as soon as you witnessed any of these symptoms: 

  1. Pain in lower abdomen or pelvis. 
  2. Painful intercourse. 
  3. Tiredness.
  4. Unpleasant or abnormal vaginal discharge. 
  5. Fever and uneasiness. 
  6. Abnormal bleeding during period. 
  7. Pain during urinating. 

Some serious symptoms of PID may require immediate treatment because at that time the infection can easily be transmitted to the bloodstream. Such condition includes:

  1. Intolerable pain in lower abdomen
  2. A very high fever
  3. Vomiting 
  4. Fainting


The pelvic inflammatory disease can be caused by many types of bacteria, but mostly gonorrhoea or chlamydia infections are responsible for it. Both of these are the sexually transmitted infections, which can easily be transmitted during unprotected sex. 

Others causes of PID may include when bacterias enter the body through other ways, especially when the barrier created by the cervix is not there for example during the delivery of a baby, menstruation, miscarriage, etc. 

Risk factor:

The risk of pelvic inflammatory disease increases for females with below factors: 

  1. Having history of sexually transmitted infections.
  2. Having  sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives
  3. Having a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).
  4. Having intercourse with multiple partners. 
  5. Regular douching of vagina. 


Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be extremely dangerous, this is why prevention is very important. Here are some ways to reduce the risk of PID:

  1. To stop bacteria entering the body, one should clean the vaginal area after using the bathroom. 
  2. Do not have intercourse without using contraceptives, as most infections can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. 
  3. Get yourself and your partner tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  4. Avoid douching as douching disturbs the balance of bacteria in the vagina. 

Diagnosis and Treatment: 

Its really important female should ignore these symptoms and consult with the gynaecologist. After completed examination, gynaecologist will advice you to undergo some blood investigation, vaginal swabs and culture and ultrasonography to rule out any other pelvic disease. 

Initially the doctor would suggest antibiotics to treat the infection. Regular follow up along with hygienic measures have to be practiced with the medications. The recurrence could be possibly if patients don’t follow the entire course of medications and precautions. Occasionally long course of antibiotics along with anti fungal medications is required.

Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease can cause problems in conception in longtime so it is advisable to prevent and take appropriate measures to protect the infection. Diagnostic Laparoscopy may be advised in some patients with pelvic inflammatory disease with infertility and to rule out other pelvic pain related causes in cases of diagnostic uncertainty,

To know more, consult our team of the best surgeons and gynaecologist at Surgeons House Limited (SHL) available at different global locations. Please click this link for more details. 

2020-05-21 00:02:16
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