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Cosmetic Plastic Surgery In Delhi

What is cosmetic plastic surgery?

Cosmetic plastic surgery is a kind of plastic surgery that is performed with the aim of enhancing a person’s physical appearance. Everyone is becoming more and more conscious about how they look, more so in today’s era of social media where uploading the best photos and getting likes and compliments has become a major confidence booster. Statistics show a continuous upsurge in the number of people undergoing cosmetic surgery to change the look of any body part they are not happy about. According to a report by Fortune Business Insights, cosmetic surgery market was worth USD 50.67 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 66.96 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 3.6%. 

Most cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered by medical insurance but that is not a deterring factor and people do not mind spending money on it. Millennials do not believe in accumulating wealth, they prefer to spend money on things that give them pleasure and contentment, be it travel, pursuing their hobbies, donating for social causes, or undergoing treatments and procedures to look and feel good.

What are the most common plastic surgery procedures?

Cosmetic plastic surgery can be an invasive or a minimally invasive surgery. 

The most common invasive (surgical) cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are:

  • Breast augmentation/implantation.
  • Breast lift.
  • Liposuction.
  • Tummy tuck.
  • Chin augmentation.
  • Rhinoplasty.
  • Eyebrow lift.
  • Cheek augmentation.

The most common noninvasive (nonsurgical)/minimally invasive cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are:

  • Laser skin treatments.
  • Laser hair removal.
  • Botulinum toxin (Botox)
  • Microdermabrasion.
  • Fat fillers.
  • Chemical peels.
  • Tattoo removal.
  • Hair transplantation.

Focus of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures.

The focus of cosmetic surgery procedures is aesthetically based. It aims at enhancing a person’s appearance by reconstructing or modifying a body part about which the person is not satisfied and would like to change it.

On one hand, people associated with the glamour industry or those who fancy looking a certain way and can spare that extra buck utilizes cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks; on the other hand, plastic surgery can actually be a lifesaver in terms of redeeming self-esteem and self-confidence in individuals such as acid attack victims or cancer patients.

Risks of cosmetic surgery

Just like any other surgical procedure, cosmetic surgery also has its share of risks. Though the risks involved are less severe and less common in cosmetic surgery, people with obesity are at a higher risk of developing blood clots. Similarly, diabetics are a high-risk population, as well as smokers as it may interfere or delay the healing process.

Listed below are the common risks associated with cosmetic surgery:

  • Complications associated with anesthesia that may include blood clots, pneumonia, or even death in rare cases.
  • Numbness and tingling around the surgical site, which may be permanent.
  • Infection at the incision site.
  • Abnormal scarring.
  • Accumulation of fluid under the skin.
  • Bleeding, which may be mild, or severe enough in some cases to require transfusion.
  • Wound dehiscence (opening), requiring resuturing or additional procedure.

Surgical procedures should be undertaken only if necessary, otherwise, it is better to avoid them. With cosmetic surgery procedures, it is also pretty common for the final result to be different than the anticipated result, which may cause disappointment. It is important to keep only realistic expectations from cosmetic surgery. It is possible that what an individual might be perceiving as a serious disfigurement, in reality, is not, and does not require any surgical correction.  It is advisable to consult a counselor and have a detailed discussion about your motive for undergoing cosmetic plastic surgery to confirm that you indeed need it. 

How Much Cosmetic Surgery Costs?

The cost of cosmetic surgery varies according to the type of surgery, the surgeon, the hospital, etc. Listed below are the average national cost for different cosmetic surgeries.

The cost includes:

  • Surgeon fees.
  • Material cost (implants, etc.)
  • Operating room cost.
  • Anesthesia cost.
  • Cost of medications required before, during, and after surgery.
  1. Breast augmentation – 1 L to 1.25 L
  2. Breast reduction/Breast lift – 1 L to 1.25 L.
  3. Gynecomastia (male breast reduction) – 40,000 to 75,000.
  4. Rhinoplasty – 75,000 to 1.25 L
  5. Tummy tuck – 1.75 L to 2 L
  6. Liposuction – 45,000 to 50,000.
  7. Eyebrow lift – 40,000 to 90,000.
  8. Chin augmentation – 1 L to 1.2 L.
  9. Cheek augmentation – 1 L to 1.2 L.
  10. Facelift – 1.5 L to 2.5 L.
  11. Botulinum toxin (Botox) – 16,000 to 18,000
  12. Chemical peel – 1500 to 10,000 (depending upon the area).
  13. Fat injection/grafting – 1 L to 1.5 L.
  14. Soft tissue fillers – 40,000 to 60,000.
  15. Stem Cell Enriched Fat Graft – 2 L to 2.5 L.
  16. Cleft lip/palate – 45,000 to 50,000.
  17. Hair transplantation – Rs. 30 to 45 per FUE (follicular unit extraction). The cost will depend upon                   the total number of grafts needed.
  18. Laser Hair Removal – Only Face: 25,000 to 40,000

   Armpits: 12,000 to 20,000

   Chest/Arms/Legs: 50,000 to 75,000

    Full Body: 50,000 to 1 L.

What to Expect Before, During, and After Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery can be a life-changing procedure, so to help you make an informed decision, we are mentioning below what to expect before, during, and after cosmetic plastic surgery.

Before Surgery:

Expected Results: It is important to consider that cosmetic surgery brings about improvement, not perfection. You must communicate your motive to the cosmetic surgeon and discuss the expected outcome of the procedure. To have a clear understanding, please ask your surgeon to show you some “Before” and “After” pictures of that procedure. Enquire from your surgeon if the changes brought about by the procedure will be irreversible. Your surgeon may recommend consulting a counselor before taking the final decision and it would good advice to follow.

Anticipated Risks: Discuss with your surgeon the anticipated risks involved, any possible complications, time required for recovery, if hospital admission necessary; if yes, duration of hospital stay, etc. before going ahead with the surgery. It is very important to weigh all the pros and cons of the procedure you wish to undergo so that you do not have any regrets later on.

Total Expenses: Ask your surgeon to tell you about the total expenses involved with the surgery. Ensure that there are no extra hidden costs. The total expenses will include the fees of the surgeon, fees of the anesthesiologist, cost of the operating room, cost of materials used such as implants, etc., cost of medicines before, during, and after surgery, cost of hospital admission if required, etc. Having completion information about the cost involved will help you decide if it is worth spending this amount and also to make the necessary monetary arrangements.

Know Your Surgeon: One of the most important decisions to make for undergoing cosmetic surgery is choosing the perfect surgeon. One must do thorough research about the surgeon, like his qualification, his experience in that particular kind of cosmetic surgery, the feedback of his prior patients, etc. It might not prove to be a good bargain choosing a doctor who is offering too many discounts as compared to the average cost of that procedure in that city. After all, the changes brought about by cosmetic surgery may be permanent and you will have to live with it for your whole life, so better to pay a bit more and get good results rather than saving some and being sorry forever. Also, check the facility where the surgery will be performed. It should be an accredited facility that is well equipped to handle any complications that may come up.

Preparations Before Surgery: Discuss with your surgeon the preparations required at your end before the surgery. If you are a smoker, inform your surgeon about the same as he may ask you to stop smoking for a few weeks before and after surgery because smoking interferes and prolongs the healing process. Similarly, you must tell your surgeon if you are a diabetic or suffer from any other chronic diseases so that he can weigh your suitability for the procedure correctly. Inform the doctor about the medications you are taking as you be required to stop some medications such as aspirin, etc. a few days before the surgery.

During Surgery:

Many cosmetic surgery procedures require general anesthesia, IV sedation, or topical anesthesia, which is administered by the Anesthesia team. The anesthesiologist will examine you before surgery to assess your general health and suitability for anesthesia. You must inform the anesthesiologist if you are allergic to any kind of anesthesia agents.

After Surgery:

After surgery, you will be transferred to a recovery room where you will be observed till the anesthesia effects wear off completely and your surgeon will assess whether it is safe for you to be discharged home, or less likely, admitted to the hospital. 

You will be given some postoperative discharge instructions, wound care instructions, which you must follow meticulously. You will be given a prescription of medicines such as antibiotics, pain killers, etc. that you must take as instructed to avoid any chances of infection, relieve pain, and expedite the healing process.

Follow-up appointments will be scheduled with your surgeon, during which the surgeon will assess the healing of your surgical wound and the outcomes of the surgery.

Recovery after Cosmetic Surgery:

The time it takes for full recovery after cosmetic surgery may vary from 6 weeks to 12 weeks depending upon several factors like the nature of the procedure, the general health of the patient, occurrence of any complications, etc. Recovery time for non-invasive or minimally invasive surgeries is less than the invasive procedures like abdominoplasty, breast surgery, etc. 

Do not be scared by the bruises and swelling that you will observe postoperatively. It happens with every surgical procedure and you will get completely healed from those.

Drainage tubes might be placed after cosmetic surgeries like breast surgery or abdominoplasty and you will be instructed regarding the care of these drainage tubes, which will eventually be removed.

It might be recommended to wear a surgical bra after breast surgery or a pressure garment after abdominal surgery to prevent fluid buildup and aid with healing.

You will be required to take some rest and avoid any strenuous activities or lift heavy weights for at least six weeks.

It is common to experience brief periods of feeling low during the recovery period as you see the bruises, swelling, wounds, and prematurely assess the surgical outcome. You may also find it frustrating to wait for your normal routine to resume. Be optimistic and motivate yourself by visualizing the beautiful results that you will see after this brief recovery period!


Q: What is the difference between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery?

A: Cosmetic surgery is performed on normal structures and is used to reshape them to enhance their aesthetic beauty. It does not affect the function of the body part involved. 

Reconstructive surgery on the other hand is performed to correct the structural abnormalities of a body part that may have arisen due to congenital deformities, cancer surgery, burns, trauma, etc. It is mainly done to improve the function of the body part, though may also be done to improve the physical appearance and restoration of self-esteem and confidence in the patient.

Q. How frequently will I need to repeat the Botox injections?

A: You might need to repeat Botox injections every four to six months when you will observe the reappearance of wrinkles, though the frequency will decrease with increased usage.

Q: Is cosmetic surgery safe?

A: Though cosmetic surgery is generally considered safe, some risks such as blood clotting, bleeding, wound infection, anesthesia complications may also occur with cosmetic surgery just like they do with any other surgical procedures. To minimize your risks and complications from cosmetic surgery, it is very important to follow the preoperative and postoperative instructions given by your surgeon and to share your exact medical history with your surgeon before the procedure.

Q: Is cosmetic surgery covered under medical insurance?

A: No, most cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered under medical insurance as they are elective procedures. Most of the reconstructive surgeries though are covered under medical insurance.

Q: Do I need to stay in the hospital after my cosmetic surgery?

A: Most of the patients do not require hospitalization after the cosmetic surgery procedure and are discharged home after a short duration of the observation period in the recovery room, but some invasive procedures might require short hospital admission. You must discuss this with your surgeon beforehand so that you can make appropriate arrangements accordingly.

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